Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Why Martial Arts Isn't Enough

I started training in martial arts when I was 13 years old. I got into it because at the time, my mom's boyfriend thought it was a good idea that I learn how to protect myself. During this training,  I learned discipline, control, respect, and a host of other useful life skills, but I wasn't learning how to defend myself with these techniques.
Taekwondo is a very sport-oriented martial arts. This means that there are rules that must be followed. Some techniques are legal to perform, others are not. This leads to a possibility of training only for the sport and not for self preservation. Martial arts inherently have rules and regulations built into it. This conflicts to the basic premise of self defense: survival.

Since then I have trained in various martial arts from the more sport-oriented Taekwondo to Judo, to the combative reality of Krav Maga, to the almost meditative Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi). In my 20+ years of training, I've come to one simple realization: most martial arts lack is the practical skills for survival in a possibly violent situation.  The problem is that it is based upon on a system of rules, but self defense has no rules for fighting. Self defense has only one objective, and that objective is to survive.

Fighting for your survival is nothing like a sport fighting match: there won’t be any referee there to watch for the safety of the fighters, there aren’t any timeouts or opportunities to tap out and It isn’t always going to be one-on-one or a “fair” match. It is dirty, brutal, and violent.

One solution that I’ve heard suggested is to go to a mixed martial arts studio/training center, or MMA. The Ultimate Fighting Championships, or UFC, is a popular example. In the beginning, the UFC was as close to a real fight as one could get. It would put two people together, and let them duke it out. No time limits, no weight classes, and only a few rules (no biting, no eye-gouging, no groin strikes). However, as the years have passed, more and more rules have been added, adjusted, and dropped. As far as MMA in the UFC, it is now a sport with rules, legal/illegal techniques, weight classes, time limits.  The very things that made more traditional martial arts unrealistic, MMA is adopting as part of their training regime. It had been turned into a combat sporting event of which the goals are to win rather than to survive. This is the same issue with most martial arts taught today.

So how do you find a self defense class that will really prepare you for the unthinkable? The National Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCASA) has published some guidelines  and answers to common questions to help.

NOTE: Because we believe that anyone would benefit from learning self defense, we have taken out any gender-specific language and made it gender-neutral.



Ideally, a good self defense program should reflect these philosophical points in its outlook:

No one asks for, causes, invites, or deserves to be assaulted. People sometimes exercise poor judgment about safety behavior, but that does not make them responsible for the attack. Attackers are responsible for their attacks and their use of violence to overpower, control and abuse another human being.

Whatever a person’s decision in a given self defense situation, whatever action they do or do not take, that person is not at fault. A person’s decision to survive the best way they can must be respected. self defense classes should not be used as a judgment against a victim/survivor.

Good self defense programs do not “tell” an individual what they “should” or “should not” do. A program should offer options, techniques, and a way of analyzing situations. A program may point out what USUALLY works best in MOST situations, but each situation is unique and the final decision rests with the person actually confronted by the situation.

Empowerment is the goal of a good self defense program. The individual’s right to make decisions about their participation must be respected. Pressure should not be brought to bear in any way to get someone to participate in an activity if they’re hesitant or unwilling.

Common Questions About Self Defense Courses:

When evaluating, you can observe these questions, or you can use these responses to guide your decision about utilizing self defense program for yourself or your group.

What is self defense?
Self defense is a set of awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills with safety strategies and physical techniques that enable someone to successfully escape, resist and survive violent attacks. A good self defense course provides psychological awareness and verbal skills, not just physical training.

Where can I find a self defense class?
Check with your local rape crisis center. Some centers provide self protection classes or can refer you to one. YWCA’s and community colleges sometimes offer classes. Some martial arts schools provide seminars and workshops. Check the phone book. If there isn’t one in your community, get involved and try to organize one.

Does self defense work?
Self defense training can increase your options and help you prepare responses to slow down, de-escalate, or interrupt an attack. Like any tool, the more you know about it, the more informed you are to make a decision and to use it.

Is self defense a guarantee?
There are no guarantees when it comes to self protection. However, self defense training can increase your choices/options and your preparedness.

Is there a standard self defense course?
There are many formats for training. They may be as short as two hours or as long as 8 weeks or a semester. Whatever the length of the program, it should be based on maximizing options, simple techniques, and respect for individuals’ experiences.

Is there a course I should stay away from?
Only you can answer this question. Find out about the philosophy of the program and the background of the instructor. Observe a class session if you can, and talk to an instructor or a student. Is the instructor knowledgeable and respectful of your concerns? Is it a length at you can commit to and at a cost that you can afford? You deserve to have all your questions answered before taking a class.

What are the instructors and what is their training background?
The quality of a class depends on the knowledge, attitude and philosophy of the instructor, not necessarily on gender. The most important aspect is that the instructor, regardless of gender, conducts the training for the students geared to their individual strengths and abilities. Feeling safe and building trust come before learning.

Must I train for years to learn to defend myself?
A basic course can offer enough concepts and skills to help you develop self protection strategies that you can continue to build upon. Self defense is not karate or martial arts training. It does not require years of study to perfect. Many people have successfully improvised and prevented an assault who have never taken a class. People often practice successful self defense strategies without knowing it!

If I use physical self defense could I get hurt worse?
The question to answer first is what does “hurt worse” mean? Rape survivors speak eloquently about emotional hurts lasting long after physical hurts heal. Studies show a physical self defense response does not increase the level of physical injury, and sometimes decreases the likelihood. Also, going along with the attacker does not guarantee that you will not be brutally injured anyway. The point of using self defense is to de-escalate a situation and get away as soon as possible. Knowing some physical techniques increases the range of possible self defense options, but the decision to choose a physical option must remain with the person in the situation.

What does “realistic” mean?
Words like “most realistic”, “best”, “guaranteed success”, etc., are all advertising gimmicks. Choosing a self defense class is a serious decision and is preferably based on some research. No program or instructor can replicate a “real” assault since there are so many different scenarios, and because a real attack would require a no-holds barred fight which would be irresponsible and extremely dangerous to enact. Responsible self defense training requires control. It is important that each student is able to control their own participation in the class and never feel forced to participate.

What is the role of mace or other aggressive “devices” as self defense aids in harming an attacker?
Any device is useless to you unless you understand how to use it, and you have it in your hand ready to use at the time of the attempted assault. There is nothing “guaranteed” about any of these devices. None are foolproof. None of them can be counted on to work against all possible attackers (no matter what the labeling may state to the contrary). Realize that anything you can use against an attacker can also be taken away and used against you. While some of these devices have sometimes helped women escape to safety, it is important to be aware of their limitations and liabilities.

How much should I pay?
Paying a lot of money for a course does not mean that you automatically get better instruction. On the other hand, don’t assume that all programs are the same and just go for the cheapest. It is always beneficial to be an educated consumer. Shop around the same as for anything else you buy that is important to you.

Am I too old? Out of shape? What if I have some disabilities?
You don’t have to be an athlete to learn how to defend yourself. A good program is designed to adapt to every age and ability and provides each student with the opportunity to learn. Each individual is unique and students should be able to discuss their own needs. Some programs have specialized classes for specific groups.

How can I tell a “good” course from a “bad” one?
A good course covers critical thinking about defense strategies, assertiveness, powerful communication skills, and easy-to-remember physical techniques. The instructor respects and responds to your fears and concerns. Instruction is based on the belief that we can act competently, decisively, and take action for our own protection. Essentially, a good course is based on intelligence and not muscle. It offers tools for enabling a person to connect with their own strength and power. These courses are out there. Good luck in your research. Taking a self defense class is one of the most positive things a you can do for yourself!

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